
The cat pen
We have pens for both short and long term boarding. Your cat will have it's own individual pen and will never be mixed with other cats. Only cats from the same household will share a pen, but can be housed individually at the owners request. Our pens are multi-levelled, allowing your cat many levels to roam and feel safe. All pens have views to the outside, so your cat can watch the rural world go by from a variety of vantage points. In winter months we enclose the outside of the pens in clear perspex to lock warmth in without obscuring the view outside. In warmer months the perspex comes off to allow cool breezes to waft gently throughout the enclosures.
We offer dry food for cats to munch on throughout the day, while at night fresh wet food is offered. Our favourites to feed cats are human grade tuna in springwater, Felix and Purr varieities, both in jelly or sauces. If your cat is on a special diet you are welcome to provide their food and we will feed to your instructions. Dry treats which taste yummy and help keep your cats teeth and gums health are also given. Fresh pure rainwater is always available to drink.
We equip each pen with a variety of soft pillows, sleeping buckets with cosy blankets and igloos for those cats feeling a little scared and vulnerable and who just want to hide away in comfort! All linen is fresh and clean for each new admission. We use dream fabric softeners so linen is soft, scented and lovely for your cats comfort.
We require cats to be current with their F3 (Feline enteritis) vaccinations. Cats under 10 years of age require yearly boosters. Cats over 10 years, who have been previously regularly vaccinated, only require a booster shot every 3 years. We will need to see your cats latest vaccination certificate as proof of vaccination.
Kittens should receive vaccinations at 6-8 weeks, 10-12 weeks and 14-16 weeks of age. A booster should occur at one year of age and yearly thereafter. Once your cat has reached 10 years you may choose to have a booster every 3 years.
Cats are not required to be sterilized (as there is no mixing with other cats), but we do need worming and flea treatments to be up to date.
We are happy to administer tablets, liquids or creams as required, but regret we cannot do diabetic injections. Please note there is a $2 per day medication administration fee. We are happy to administer Revolution and other flea/worming treatments for cats who are staying over a long period of time, so that they remain protected and up to date. Please be aware we will not administer to potentially vicious cats or cats who show signs of aggression, as our safety is also a top priority.
Rest assured our cats receive plenty of attention several times a day, in the form of strokes, playing and general interaction and conversation. Sometimes cats just wish to be left alone. We assess what each cat needs at the time and go from there!
Kitty Litter
Your cats litter tray will be serviced daily, or as often as necessary. We use 100% Australian attapulgite. Attapulgite is a hydrated magnesium silicate formed as a complex clay material. It was created over millions of years and is found here in Western Australia. It is a natural product that is highly absorbent and offers outstanding odour control. We also love it because it is recyclable and earth friendly.
Each pen has a variety of toys available for your cat's enjoyment! Cats are naturally inquisitive and playful and we use balls, bells, soft toys and dangling toys to keep your cat amused. You are welcome to bring your cats favourite toys if you wish.