
Fees are charged at a daily rate regardless of when cats are dropped off or collected. Long term is any stay 3 weeks or over. Extra long term stay is any stay over 6 weeks. We require payment in cash when the cat is dropped off, or as a direct bank electronic transfer 4 days before drop off (so funds have time to clear). Please note there is a $2 per day medication administration fee.


Number of catsShort TermLong TermExtra Long Term
1 cat $21 $19 $17
2 cats $31 $29  
3 cats $41 $39  
4 cats $51 $49  

Concession (Pensioner, Seniors, Health Care Card etc)

Number of catsShort TermLong TermExtra Long Term
1 cat $19 $17 $17
2 cats $29 $27  
3 cats $39 $37  
4 cats $49 $46  
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